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Throw Me A Rope

Once while a teen I was fishing with my friend and pastor.  The fish were not complying with our wishes.   It was one of those lazy sunny New Mexico fall afternoons. Not to hot, not to cold but perfect for feeling the lake breezes play though your hair.  We were having a discussion about what life is about.  I expressed doubt that my life would ever have any impact on anyone.  My friend ask me to reel in my line and he sat me in the middle of the boat and started the engine.  He set the tiller for straight ahead then locked it in place.   We were running along parallel to the shore to our right.  Ahead in the distance the shore curved around in front of us.

He said: "Lock your eyes on the distant shore and make sure we are going straight ahead."  I did and we were heading for a huge pile of rocks on the approaching shore.  He picked up the small rope that was tied on the bow and said: "This little rope is like our lives. It may seem insignificant but can effect the outcome of much larger events.  If we do nothing we will hit those rocks."  He then tied a knot in the end of the little rope and dropped it over the left side of the boat and settled into his seat.  As he relaxed he told me: "Watch the rocks."

Slowly but distinctly the rocks began to move off to my right. The knotted little rope dragging though the water was having an effect.  Soon we were going across the lake in the opposite direction.   My friend pulled the rope back into the boat and stopped the engine.  As he prepared to cast his line he said: "In life we each have a little rope. We can influence for good or for bad.  Had I put the rope on the right side of the boat we would have ran aground.  If I did nothing we would have crashed into the rocks. But I put the rope on the left side to gently turn us to safety.  Even though you might think your life is insignificant, you have an impact on those around you. You must choose where you throw your rope."

As Christians we always have a choice of voices to listen to.  One, we can listen to our own wisdom and do what seems right to us.  This choice seems good at the time but will run us aground every time.  Our second choice is the voice of the devil that never stops. He lures us with lies that  are deceptively attractive.  His goal is to crash us into the rocks.  The third choice is the gentle voice of God that always leads us to safety.   Where have you thrown your little rope?     (John 3:16)


Neil's House