It's Always A New Day
It's always a new day.
Yesterday's failures and wounds are gone,
forgiven and to be learned from.
Begin again.
Thank God for His abundant grace.
Sink into the armor He has clothed you in.
Unsheathe your mighty two edged sword
and declare it a new day!
See the refining luminosity of the blade!
Salute your mighty King
and feel the protective breastplate
that you have been equipped with.
Rise; exalt your King:
It is His helmet and shield
that has made you secure.
It's a new day for victory!
Stride forward with confidence
knowing that with each step
you bring the good news of peace
only your King can supply.
He has prepared your path.
His mighty armies of angels
await your move.
Stand !
Today, right now is your new day.