Generational Curses
The Bible specifically tells us that God does not hold children accountable for the sins of their parents in Deuteronomy 24:16.
The Bible mentions “generational curses” in Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; and Deuteronomy 5:9. Sin is passed down from one generation to the next. When a parent has a sinful lifestyle, their children are likely to have the same sinful lifestyle as well. The devastating effects of sin are passed down because the younger generation is committing the same sins their ancestors did.
There is a trend in the "prophetic movement" today to try and blame every sin and problem on some sort of generational curse. This is not a Biblical teaching, but is a dangerous form of "victim theology." Victim theology lures you back into bondage. Borrowing from magical curses of occultism, the perpetrators of this scam inform you that you are not responsible for you own sins because you are a victim of a curse from generations past that Christ somehow missed; but most importantly that they know how to set you free. If you want to be free of the "generational curse," you are bound to them for the healing ritual. (Does that set you free?)
Galatians 3:13 tells us that Christ has redeemed us from the curse. The cure for a "generational curse" is salvation through Jesus Christ. When we become Christians, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). If Christ redeemed us then we are redeemed. There is therefore now NO (none, not any, zip, zero!) condemnation to those IN Christ! (Romans 8:1) The cure, then, for a generational curse is faith in Christ. (Romans 12:1-2). Christ. Jesus bore our curses by being made a curse for us. (Galatians 3:13 In Christ we receive the mercy of God, not a curse.
We have victory in Christ Jesus. Rather than leading others into the bondage of victimization, the Biblical answer for believers struggling with sinful thought patterns is the renewed mind. (Romans chapter 7 & 8) If God be for us who can be against us? Hmmmm …Who is the accuser, the thief, the serpent, the father of lies? If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed!